Thursday, April 09, 2009

lelaki or perempuan?

"A baby girl...
one of the most beautiful miracles in life,
one of the greatest joys we can ever know,
and one of the reasons why
there is a little extra sunshine,
laughter and happiness
in your world today.."

This afternoon, we went to see the doctor for routine check-up. then, my wife decided to ask the doctor to scan our baby's sex.
"Lelaki ke perempuan?" i asked that question to myself.
"Lelaki ke perempuan, doc?" my wife asked the doctor.
"Sekejap, ye. Tengok tu, muka dia..comel..hidung mancung" said the doctor
"Oh..come on, doc. That's my baby. Memang la comel sebab aku kan handsome. masa aku kecik dulu pun comel jugak. Just scan and look for it's @#!*. I want to know..boy or girl" the sweeping generalisation only playing in mind. I have to behave! :) i looked at the doctor's face and gave her a smile.
"Lelaki ke perempuan?"
"Sekejap. ye..hmm, see that? it's a girl"
yeah, it's a sweet baby girl!! The Almighty has answered my prayers..Alhamdulillah..Alhamdulillah..Alhamdulillah..


Hafiz-u-ddin said...


baby girl.....

apasal perempuan?

dulu kan abang suka lelaki? (kontroversi ni)

eh, baby boy?

berubah ye?

Kak Ell said...

salam..tahniah, moga baby girl tu baik2 sentiasa.

u commented on my blog..and to my surprise, i met somebody that i didn't expect ur wife lily norsa'adah? if she's lily that i used to know..send my warmest regard to her, from an old friend, that is.tq