Thursday, March 19, 2009

it is complete now..



this is my first attempt to involve myself in the atmosphere of Javanese Literature. trying to comprehend and appreciate the beauty of Javanese Language ; one way or another, is looking at the beauty of the Javanese ladies. there are so many secret behind it. there are so many hidden history and connection between Malay and Javanese. if the legend of Puteri Gunung Ledang is for real,i think i have completed the love story because my wife is a Javanese!(the Princes Raden Adjeng Retno Dumilah was from Java and Hang Tuah was from Malacca)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Root, baby..root.

it's kind of weird when i have to say things by not using my mouth. i don't know..ahh, susah la menulis menggunakan bahasa penjajah ni..well, i still have to use it since not all people can understand my mother tongue..hmm, life is like a merry-go-round. turn and turn..then back where you begin. betul..sejauh mana aku 'berpusing', berjalan atau berlari, akhirnya aku kembali ke tempat dimana mula-mula aku berada..that's it..i'm back to my home..macam yang bonda selalu sebut, "sejauh mana belut berenang, akhirnya pulang ke lumpur jua. setinggi mana bangau terbang, akhirnya hinggap di belakang kerbau jua." dulu aku tak faham kenapa bonda sebut kata-kata ni, but now i can see the meaning. whoever we are, wherever we go, we must stick to our root. bagi aku, rumahlah 'root' aku. di rumah, banyak yang aku belajar. belajar menjadi anak, belajar menjadi abang, belajar menjadi suami, belajar menjadi ayah..belajar menjadi MANUSIA. aku belajar mengheret dada, aku belajar merangkak, aku belajar bertatih dan berjalan, kemudian aku belajar bertutur dan berlari..semuanya aku belajar dari rumah. rumah yang penuh dengan kasih sayang dari bonda dan ayahanda. sesekali bila aku pulang ke rumah bonda, ada rasa sayu yang bertapak di hati. sukar untuk aku fahami. sesekali juga, bila aku tatap wajah isteriku dan memandang jauh ke dalam kolam matanya, aku mengerti bahawa hidup tak semudah yang kita janjikan..dan itu pun aku belajar dari rumah. So, my friends, why don't you go home today..give your parent a warm lovely hug..and try to recall all the things that you used to have at home when you were a kid. it is nice thing to do..dan esok kau akan menjadi lebih dewasa.

Saturday, March 07, 2009


Semasa engkau dilahirkan
Kau pun sudah satu impian
Impian nyata kurnia Illahi

Engkau anak istimewa
Kebahagian ibu ayah
Bila menangis dan juga tertawa

Hai anak kau tak mengerti
Betapa mulia pengorbanan mereka
Memberikan kasih-sayang
Agar dapat menikmati dunia

- i would like to recite this piece to my baby when my baby knows how to understand and appreciate the beauty of language. During my years in college, some of my colleagues address me as 'THE LAUREATE' just because i really love to 'stare' at the beauty of the language and hear the 'echo' of its enlightment, but the fact is - i'm not a good writer!