Sunday, May 10, 2009

Tak kisahlah

aku tak kisah kalau esok
aku dicaci
kerana semalam aku tak minta dipuji

aku tak kisah kalau esok
orang langsung tak kenal aku
sebab semalam aku pun bukan orang ternama

aku tak kisah kalau esok
aku hanya sehelai sepinggang
lagipun semalam apa yang aku ada?

aku ini seorang“pengunjung”
bila aku balik ke “rumah” nanti,
aku bawa balik dosa dan pahala.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Jiwa Paradoks

I will not dance to your war drum
I will not lend my soul nor my bones to your war drum
I will not dance to your beat
I know that beat
It is lifeless
I know intimately that skin you are beating
It was alive once

I will not dance to your drummed up war
I will not pop spin beak for you
I will not hate for you or even hate you
I will not kill for you or even kill you
I will not die for you
I will not mourn the dead with murder nor suicide
I will not side with you nor dance to bombs because everyone else is dancing

Everyone can be wrong
Life is a right not collateral or casual
I will not forget where I come from
I will craft my own drum
Gather my beloved near and our chanting will be dancing
Our humming will be drumming
I will not be played
I will not lend my name nor my rhythm to your beat
I will dance and resist and dance and persist and dance
This heart beat is louder than death
Your war drum ain’t louder than this breath.